If you've come up with a really innovative product, process, or digital innovation in the chemical industry in the past five years, you may have a good chance of winning an ICIS Innovation Award in 2024.
The awards, put on by ICIS, a chemical industry trade publication, are "a celebration of chemical industry achievements around the world," per a press release.
This year's theme: "Driving the Industry toward Net Zero."
Entries are now open, per ICIS, which notes that "almost all the entries help in some way to drive the industry in the right direction."
Among the categories: Best Product Innovation from a Large Company Best Process Innovation from a Large Company Best Digital Innovation from a Large Company Best Product Innovation from a Large Company Best Product Innovation from a Large Company Best Impact on society and the chemical industry: the broader the potential impact the better of partnerships along supply chains: these are important in the drive to net zero To get the top award you need to offer something that is really different and truly innovative There are several categories to choose from that should allow companies of all sizes to have a fair chance to win.
"The drive towards net zero carbon is so important that almost all the entries help in some way to drive the industry in the Read the Entire Article
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With Mealshare, every meal purchased at a restaurant, one gets shared with a person in need of food. This concept was hatched by two entrepreneurs, cousins Jeremy Bryant and Andrew Hall.