The Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) program is a competitive grants program that provides funding for locally relevant environmental education projects for K-12 audiences. This funding...more
The OSMRE Applied Science Program funds the development of new reclamation science and technology to address environmental issues related to the mining of coal and reclamation of the land after...more
The Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program (GLCWMP) helps EPA satisfy statutory requirements under section 118 of the Clean Water Act to establish a Great Lakes system-wide surveillance...more
The Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program (GLFMSP) helps EPA satisfy statutory requirements under section 118 of the Clean Water Act to establish a Great Lakes system-wide surveillance...more
The Exchange Network (EN) was launched in 2002 as an intergovernmental, collaborative partnership of EPA, states, territories,and Tribes to foster better environmental management and decision-making...more
The UPLIFT Climate and Environmental Community Action Grant program (“UPLIFT”) offers an unprecedented opportunity to support disadvantaged communities by building the capacity of...more
The Public Diplomacy Section, PDS, U.S. Embassy Bridgetown, of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for eligible organizations or individuals to submit applications to carry out...more
The principal objective of this funding opportunity is to support opportunities for tribes, and/or tribal entities, and underserved communities to meaningfully engage in coastal habitat restoration...more
The objective of the USAID Promoting Alternative Technologies and Fuels to Reduce the Use of Charcoal for Cooking in the Democratic Republic of the Congo activity is to reduce deforestation and...more